Date Created: 08/06/2020
Last Updated: 08/08/2020

In loving memory of Delores Carpenter
9/14/1929 - 1/13/2020

Location: Pelican Rapids, Minnesota

Visits: 7,448

This memorial was created in honor of Delores Fae Carpenter of Pelican Rapids, Minnesota. Delores was born on September 14, 1929 in Sutton, ND and passed on January 13, 2020. Delores was loved by many and will be dearly missed by all friends and family.




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    Never Gone
    8/6/2020 at 2:15 PM

Guest Book

Heather Pautz 9/15/2020
Alexis Henry 9/14/2020
Kathy Sweet 8/25/2020
Kathy Sweet 8/25/2020
Ria Bawek 8/13/2020
Marietta Stowers 8/10/2020
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