Date Created: 11/15/2018
Last Updated: 11/15/2018

In loving memory of Dr. Julian Gomez-Cambronero
9/29/1959 - 11/12/2018

Location: Dayton, Ohio

Visits: 3,577

This memorial was created in honor of Dr. Julian Gomez-Cambronero of Dayton, Ohio. Dr. Julian was born on September 29, 1959 and passed on November 12, 2018. Dr. Julian was loved by many and will be dearly missed by all friends and family.


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From: Ramya Ganesan Saturday, November 17, 2018
I consider myself very lucky to have known Julian and been a recipient of his spirited, positive energy. I will certainly make sure all the proper measures are taken to inform the membership and honor Julian on behalf of SLB. My sincerest of condolences to everyone touched by this loss. Jen Holland

From: Ramya Ganesan Saturday, November 17, 2018
I want to add my condolences to Lee-Ann's note as Julian was a joy to have as a colleague. He was a strong advocate for SLB/JLB, a great voice mentoring our junior investigators, and a friend. Many at SLB will miss him dearly. Luis Montaner

From: Ramya Ganesan Saturday, November 17, 2018
I am so very sad to learn that Julian has passed away. He was a valued friend and colleague and I will miss him and his warm heart very much. We will be sure to get this sad news to others. My condolences to you and to all of Julian’s former trainees, colleagues, friends and family. Lee-Ann Allen

From: William Nauseef Friday, November 16, 2018
Julian and I have been friends for many years, having met when he was a postdoctoral scholar in the labs of Drs. Elmer Becker and Ramadan Sha'afi at University of Connecticut. An ebullient figure, Julian illuminated a room by his arrival. He was a positive force who remained joyful even when battling unqualified and unimaginative reviewers or fighting the other challenges that punctuate the life of all scientists and scholars. What impressed me most during a visit to his laboratory was the mutual affection between him and his team -- graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and research assistants alike. All the rigor and industry in the lab was colored by the lightness and kindness of Julian's demeanor. Julian's enthusiasm and warmth were contagious and enriched all members of the Society for Leukocyte Biology were interacted with him. It's my good fortune to have had Julian as a friend. I take comfort in knowing that his goodness and generous spirit have inspired others to follow suit and in that way many of us are better humans because of Julian.

From: George Carman Thursday, November 15, 2018
I first met Julian at a FASEB conference on lipid signaling and was struck by his friendliness and dedication to his students. Later, Julian asked me to be his co-chair for the FASEB Conference “Phospholipid Cell Signaling and Metabolism in Inflammation and Cancer” which was held in Niagara Falls, NY in 2014. We also worked together on a JBC Thematic Minireview Series on Phospholipase D and Cancer. Collaborating with Julian was a rewarding experience, indeed. I was fortunate to visit him at Wright State University a couple of years ago and met his lovely wife and daughter when I stayed at his home as a guest. I have the highest respect for Julian as person, and of course a scientist. I will miss him dearly. George M. Carman, Rutgers University.

From: Julie Saba Thursday, November 15, 2018
Julian was one of the nicest colleagues I have ever known. From the moment I met him at the first lipid meeting we attended together, I was struck by the earnest and genuine way he had of communicating. We later took the shuttle to the airport together, and he shared wonderful stories about his family with me. Every time thereafter, seeing him was like greeting an old friend. He shared his passion for science with students and colleagues, enlivening discussions and asking probing questions. It is shocking to lose him so suddenly. I wish his family strength and fortitude in the days, months and years to come. Julie Saba

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