Date Created: 05/27/2018
Last Updated: 05/28/2018

In loving memory of Betty Carpenter
1/22/1931 - 5/26/2018

Location: Rochester, New York

Visits: 11,254

This memorial was created in honor of Betty P Carpenter of Rochester, New York. Betty was born on January 22, 1931 and passed on May 26, 2018. Betty was loved by many and will be dearly missed by all friends and family.


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From: Jennifer Schum Tuesday, May 29, 2018
There are many memories, so it is hard to choose as I was lucky to have almost half of my life with my grandmother. The funniest memories are surrounding her limitations in the kitchen from one memory of her putting plastic in the oven and not understanding why that was a problem to her insistence that the porcupines she made were yummy. Some of my favorite times with her were our family celebrations on Christmas Eve (and those were marked when I was a kid with Kentucky Fried Chicken dinners). :-) So she may not have been the type of grandmother to teach me how to cook, but she did teach me a lot of other very important things. I'm sure I'll never cover all of them, but she taught me that anything is possible if you work hard enough, to always find the bright side of things as it is always there, the importance of what our military service members give to us, work hard for what you believe in, how to innovate, and the importance of helping others.

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    5/27/2018 at 10:04 PM

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